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Change your life in the comfort of your own home with these highly effective all natural products!
Here are some at home tips to start with.Start at home by taking time out for yourself. Feed your body what it needs to be healthy.Drink Water! 1qt. for every 50 pounds everyday! Add a qt if you are trying to heal your body! Add minerals and electrolytes to your water to increase the benefit and your body will want to drink more!Eat protien, 9oz. of red meat per week.Make time to relaxPractice breathing deep. Bring your breath all the way down to your belly button before breathing out!Schedule having fun every week and every month!​Try to exercise, get outdoors and into nature, meditating, walking, listening to a slower beat of music, serving others, or getting a massage and healing. All these consist of taking time out to nourish yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. And you deserve it!Reducing stress these days can be a challenging thing. But it can mean the difference between feeling miserable, in pain and fighting dis-ease down the road, or being healthy, joyful, happy, relaxed, and ready to get back in the game.​